We Welcome You Here

We welcome you here no matter where you come from or what you’ve done, no matter what you’re into or what you’re looking for, we welcome you here. Whether you’re single or married, divorced or widowed, gay or straight, with children in tow or towed by your children, we welcome you here.
We treasure every color of skin in the rainbow of God’s beautiful creation, and when we look at you, we see God’s image. We value every cultural heritage as part of God’s amazing family, and we know that every body is different. Whatever the shape of yours, or whether it is inked or pierced, you are beautiful in God’s sight. We welcome you here. If you’re in over your head, we’ll help you breathe. If you’re on cloud 9, we’ll help you find your feet. If you’re caught up in something beyond your control, we’ll introduce you to a God who can set you free. We welcome you here. We welcome Lions and Browns and Bengals, oh my! Whether you wear scarlet and gray or maize and blue, cut-off jeans or button-down shirts, there is room for you with us. We love taxi moms and coaching dads, starving artists and CEOs. Everybody needs Jesus. We welcome you here. No matter your faith or your doubt, whether you’re spiritual or skeptical, if you resist religion or couldn’t imagine life without it, we’ve been there too. We’re glad you walked in. We welcome you here. We believe that every sound from the human heart, from the groaning of the broken heart to the squealing of delight, from the sigh of resignation to the sounds of children laughing, from the rumble of the blues to voices lifted in praise, is the sound of the kingdom here among us. Your voice matters to God and to us. We’re glad you’ve joined us for prayer and praise, and hope you will find the promise of your life with God with us. And when you walk out the door today, let these words resound in your heart until it trembles with glory:
You are a blessed, beloved, beautiful child of God in whom Christ dwells and delights, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, you live safely and securely in a kingdom that has no end!