Events happening at Sylvania First and around the community this advent season!
Mistletoe Market • Downtown Sylvania • December 6, 5-8 & Dec 7, 10-6
Caroling at the Lakes of Sylvania • December 15 at 3:00 p.m.
The Longest Night (When Christmas Hurts) Worship Service • Dec 21 at 4:00 p.m. at Sylvania First.
Christmas Eve Services at Sylvania First
Experience! Christmas 7:00 p.m.
Wholly Christmas 9:00 p.m.
Simply Christmas 11:00 p.m.
Here are some ideas to Share the Light!
Leave waters on your front porch for mail carriers and delivery drivers.
Bake Christmas cookies for a neighbor.
Make a holiday card for your principal, school nurse, librarian, custodian, or cafeteria staff.
Offer to help an elderly neighbor decorate for the holiday.
Donate do or cat food to a local animal shelter.
Invite a new neighbor or new friend over to decorate gingerbread houses.
Collect warm clothes that no longer fit and donate them.
Make Christmas decorations and take them to a nursing home so they can hang them up.
Purchase canned and boxed foods and donate them to a food bank.
Take hot cocoa to the crossing guard near your school.
Help a sibling do their chore.
Take a warm meal to someone who is hungry.
Shovel a neighbor’s walkway or help bring in their trashcans.
Invite a neighbor or friend who doesn’t have family nearby to make Christmas crafts with you.
Bring your teacher their favorite drink.
Bundle up and pick up trash on your street or at your local park.
Use the award attached to the Sylvania First mailer or make your own award for the best Christmas lights and decorations and award it to a neighbor.
Offer to clean up your toys and books without being asked to.
Take a warm drink out to your mail carrier.
Read Christmas books to younger children.
Take cookies to a fire station and/or police station to thank them for working tonight.
Go caroling – Join us on December 15 at the Lakes of Sylvania at 3:00 p.m. to sing carols with the residents!
Have a neighborhood snow ball fight.
Go ice skating and meet some new people.
Have a winter barbeque.
Go on a photo walk.
Watch a sunset or sunrise.
Play outside in your neighborhood. Invite some friends to join you.