Looking forward to sharing Christmas Eve 2020 in so many meaningful ways with our church family. Mark your calendars now for…
4:00 – 6:00 p.m. A Shepherd’s Tale Christmas Experience You will be able to sign up for specific time slots beginning Wed. Dec. 16. Watch for a follow up email with the link. Come walk with the shepherds as they experience the very first Christmas in the chilly open air. We’ll be practicing safety protocols including safe distancing and everyone wearing masks.
4:00 pm A Shepherd’s Tale Christmas Experience. If you’re not comfortable or able to gather in person, join us through a video link at sylvaniafirst.org and Sylvania First UMC Facebook
7:00 pm Illuminate Christmas Zoom (link will be available Wed., Dec. 16), or you can find it at sylvaniafirst.org or the Sylvania First UMC Facebook pageOur children and youth have the Christmas story to share in their own special way. Join us for music, scripture, and a special Nativity scene.
10:00 pm Simply Christmas. Live with Communion (zoom link will be available Wed., Dec. 16)A quiet time to share and reflect on the scripture of this Holy night of Jesus birth. This will be a zoom meeting, so we can be in community with one another, to see, and interact “face to face”. Together we will share in communion Prepackaged elements are available in the chapel for you to pick up, or you are welcome to bring your own.
11:00 pm Simply Christmas. Video posted to sylvaniafirst.org and Sylvania First UMC Facebook pageA quiet time to share and reflect on the scripture of this Holy night of Jesus birth.
If you have questions or would like clarification about any of our Christmas Eve services, please reach out to any of our staff.
- Tom Rand [email protected]
- Julie Carter [email protected]
- Lynn Arvay [email protected]