is a pastor, a Fresh Expressions coach, and a former NCAA women’s basketball coach. She knows how to empower others to win!
She will be preaching at
Sylvania First on
May 19 at 7:00 p.m.
Abide in Me
Dr. Stokes will be preaching on John 15:1-11, “Abide in Me”
Known as a program builder who utilizes her apostolic gift to repurpose organizations, Dr. Dee Stokes is in the middle of a repurposing adventure at Unity United Methodist Church in North Carolina where God is giving her a blueprint to do Church Unusual! This concept is moving from a traditional model of Sunday meetings to a model of community engagement with witty ideas and ways of reaching the lost for Christ. She is helping the church re-vision how to accomplish the great commission and bring the Kingdom of God to life in our community. It is a fresh expression of church as well as a missional community. This is the new thing the Lord is doing in the earth! Dr. Stokes is also an author, educator, and President/CEO of Dee Stokes Ministries, Inc., a non-profit speaking, writing, training, discipleship/life coaching, and missions ministry.
You can find out more at
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Dee Stokes on May 19 at 7:00 p.m.
Sylvania First
7000 Erie St.
Sylvania, OH 43560