Join us this summer for Family Fun Nights where we will have FUN learning all about our God given emotions.
Who: The whole Family (child must be accompanied by an adult)
What: Experience how to LOVE GOD FROM THE INSIDE OUT
Where: Outside at Sylvania First UMC 7000 Erie St. | Sylvania, OH 43560
When: Thursdays June 17, June 24, July 1, July 8 from 6pm-8pm (Dinner included! *)
Cost: Free
Join us for kick off movie night: Friday, June 11 at 8:00 p.m.
on the lawn of Sylvania First. (Rain date: Saturday, June 12 at 8:00 p.m.)
Register below for the nights you would like to attend.
You are welcome to attend all the nights or just the ones you are able to attend.
*Please note, the picnic menu for each week will be sent to you via email two days prior to Family Fun Night and the ingredient list will be displayed at dinner. All meals will be peanut free. You are welcome to bring your own dinner if we are serving something you or your family can not eat.
Family Fun Nights
Registration Form