Palm Sunday Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Online via Zoom or Facebook LivePalm Sunday Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Online via Zoom or Facebook Live
Palm Sunday Parade 12:30 p.m.
A community Palm Parade will be hosted on Palm Sunday, March 28th at 12:30. What is a palm parade, you ask? Well, we’ll be gathering in the parking lot of Olivet Lutheran at 5840 Monroe Street, Sylvania. You’ll be given a palm branch to wave as you hear about Jesus’ triumphant journey into Jerusalem on of Palm Sunday. Then, with lots of other cars, you’ll drive to Sylvania First United Methodist church, 7000 Erie Street, Sylvania. As you drive, you’re invited to tun into 87.9 FM for music and information. At Sylvania First, you’ll drive around their front circle driveway to see Jesus’s humility as he washes the feet of disciples. Then, in procession, you’ll journey to Sylvania United Church of Christ, 7240 Erie Street. There you’ll park in rows and celebrate Holy Communion together with others in their cars as you think about how on this night of betrayal, Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples. Then, the group will journey to St. Stephen, 7800 Erie Street, to remember Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane prior to his arrest and death on the cross. You’ll be invited to share prayer requests with the churches. People will then depart with an invitation to attend Good Friday and Easter Sunday worship services at the churches involved.