Because we love not only God, but also our neighbors and ourselves, we are asking everyone, regardless of vaccination status, to please wear a mask for indoor worship this Sunday. Lucas County is experiencing “Substantial” spread of the coronavirus this week and remains under a mask advisory for indoor and crowded areas such as worship. If you don’t have one, masks will be available at the door.
You have 2 options for Wholly Worship, you can worship online by going to https://live.sylvaniafirst.org
You can worship in the building beginning Sunday, May 23, 2021
The CDC has said that it is now safe for FULLY VACCINATED people to worship indoors with masks. LIMITED WORSHIP IN THE SANCTUARY will resume on May 23, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. Because non-vaccinated people may also worship with us, we will follow strict COVID protocols including limiting numbers, physical distancing, wearing masks, and no congregational singing. This service will be live-streamed using the new online platform for those who do not feel comfortable worshiping in person indoors.
In order to be able to notify worshipers in case someone is infected, we are asking people to preregister online or by calling the office for worship in the sanctuary. The registration link will be emailed and we will be taking registrations each Monday at 9:30 a.m. watch your email for the registration form or call the office at 419-882-2205.