Wonder – Week 1
The first precept in the book is a quote from the song Wonder by Natalie Merchant. Take a listen:
The story of Auggie’s birth is comical to begin with, but then suddenly takes sharp turn. What did you think of the nurse who helped with Auggie’s delivery? This is the scripture that the nurse quoted to Auggie’s mom:
1 John 5:3-4Common English Bible (CEB)
3 This is the love of God: we keep God’s commandments. God’s commandments are not difficult, 4 because everyone who is born from God defeats the world. And this is the victory that has defeated the world: our faith.
In this first part, pay attention to how many shoes Auggie can describe. What does that say about where he is looking? Do you know anyone who has a similar issue?
Auggie and the kids start talking about Star Wars. It’s a common topic they share. Julian asks Auggie about Darth Sidious. This is what he looks like:
What do you think Julian was trying to say?
Mr. Browne the English teacher uses precepts to help educate his students. We will be encountering them through these next 5 weeks.
Here is a tortoise eating:
The cheese touch, or the plague! How do you feel when you are left out of things or worse made to feel like you have a disease that other people can catch?
Halloween costumes hide our faces, they can equalize us all because no one knows what we look like underneath. One of the days Auggie loves so much because he is like everyone else is ruined. What surprised you most about Jack Will’s behavior? Have you ever gone along with the crowd?