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Featuring Rev. Daniel Wolpert and Debra Bell, MD of the Minnesota Institute for Contemplation and Healing
Embrace joy and vitality amid suffering and pain through a holistic approach to mental, physical, and spiritual healing.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Sylvania First United Methodist Church
7000 Erie Street, Sylvania
$20 registration fee includes lunch
Morning refreshments available at 9 a.m.
To register, click on the link above or you may call Sylvania First (419) 882-2205 or Olivet Lutheran (419) 882-2077
Kindly RSVP by Mon, Oct 28.
“Chronic pain is now at epidemic proportions in the United States. One estimate is that up to 100 million people suffer from some chronic pain condition, almost a third of the population. The opioid epidemic, which has ravaged Ohio, among other places, is one response to this onslaught of pain that has sapped the joy and vitality from many people’s lives. Yet what we understand about pain is that it is a highly complex phenomenon that cannot be fixed with a pill or an injection. Dr. Debra Bell and Rev. Daniel Wolpert are experts in the holistic treatment of pain, and they will lead a daylong event exploring the physical, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of pain. This will be done through a variety of modalities: teaching, discussion, spiritual practices, and individual reflection and sharing. Participants will come away from this retreat with a greater understanding of the nature of pain, the nature of effective, healthy treatment for pain, as well as practical resources that can help us alleviate our own suffering.”
Is there still space available? My husband is registered and has requested that I join him.
Yes there is, please feel free to either sign up online or call Sylvania First at 419-882-2205